Syzygium cumini, (Linn.) Skeels.

Family: Myrtaceae

Common Name : Jamun

Telugu Name : Neeredu

General :

It is a large evergreen tree widely distributed in Andhra Pradesh except in some semi-arid areas of Anantapur District. Found along streams and in damp and even in marshy localities, where it is oftengregarious. Identified by fibrous red blaze, intramarginal venation and chanelled petiole. Recommended for plantation on alluvial soil of varying texture, clayey soils and loamy sands.

Flowering :

Dirty white fragrant flowers in trichotomous panicles appear in March-May.

Fruiting :

Fruits ripen in June to August except in Sriharikota of Nellore District where it ripens in September to October.

Morphology of the Fruit/Seed :

Fruit is a drupe, variable in size, oblong or sub-globose, crowned with a persistent truncated calyxlimb, first pink, then black with pink juicy mesocarp. Seed usually 1, which is 1 to 2 cms long.

Seed Collection and Storage :

Fresh ripe fruits are heaped in the shade to rot and then washed in water to clean the pulp and get the seeds which are dried in the shade. Seeds lose viability quickly within 15 days and hence to be used immediately.

Seed Biology :

No. of seeds per Kg.

Germination percentage

Plant percent

No. of seedlings per Kg. of seed

1,100 to 1,300





Not required.

Nursery Technique :

Sowing in the nursery beds is done in June-July. Sowing is done in lines about 20 cms apart and the seeds in lines are spaced about 5 cms. Depth of sowing is 2.5 cms. Nursery beds should be watered regularly. Germination commences after a week. One month old seedling is transplanted into polybags. Development of seedlings is slow in the first season and one year old seedling is planted out.